Due to a major infrastructure project, the FRHS Museum is closed and will reopen in 2025.

The Museum Shop is open, now until December 30. Monday-Friday 9-3, Saturdays 10-2.

Because History Matters
Endowment Campaign
Recognition Plan

Because History Matters Endowment Campaign:
Recognition Plan

All contributions of $1,000 or more to the Fall River Historical Society Because History Matters Campaign will be recognized unless the donor wishes to remain anonymous.

All gifts and pledges are confidential. Donors may choose to make their gifts in honor or in memory of another person, or they may choose to simply have their own names be recognized. Contributors at higher levels may have a particular area of interest in which to memorialize their gift.

All gifts and pledges are unrestricted unless specifically restricted by the donor at the time of the donation.

Recognition Wall
All gifts of $1,000 and more will be permanently recognized on a recognition wall in the museum building.

Naming Rights
Additional recognition opportunities are available in the form of naming rights for a particular room or exhibit. If interested, please discuss with the curator, Michael Martins.

Print, Electronic Media & Special Events
Recognition to our generous donors will be given whenever appropriate in our annual reports, program guides, website, and other venues.

Endowment Legacy Society $10,000 +
The Legacy Society of the FRHS honors individuals who have committed to supporting our agency  through a current gift or future gift from their estate. Being a member is easy. Make a gift to our current Because History Matters campaign or notify us of your plan to leave a future gift of $10,000 or greater from your estate. The Legacy Society is our way of acknowledging your commitment to our future – today.

Endowed Programs $500,000+
Please discuss opportunities with the curator to permanently support a program at FRHS through your gift.

Endowed Positions $1,000,000
Please discuss opportunities with the curator to permanently support a position at FRHS through your gift.


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Become a member today to support Fall River's oldest non-profit organization.

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Contact Us

  • 451 Rock Street, Fall River, MA 02720
  • (508)-679-1071
  • cha@fallriverhistorical.org
  • Due to a major infrastructure project, the FRHS Museum will be closed beginning July 22, 2023. The Musem Shop is closed until further notice.