Due to a major infrastructure project, the FRHS Museum is closed and will reopen in 2025.

The Museum Shop is open, now until December 30. Monday-Friday 9-3, Saturdays 10-2.

Holiday Open House

at the Fall River Historical Society

Deck the Halls! Annual Open House: A Victorian Christmas Extravaganza Featuring Our Famous Themed Trees

Guests experience the splendor of Christmas past in our grand granite mansion, decked out in holiday finery in period style from room to room. We offer free guided tours throughout the season, where visitors learn about Victorian traditions such as the peppermint pig, the Christmas rose, the poinsettia, the pickle, and Krampus, St. Nicholas’ diabolical dark companion.

“The Historical Society's Christmas decorations rival the Newport mansions … not to be missed, the society is a hidden gem. They even have an upside down Christmas tree in one of the rooms, a tradition dating back to the 1300s.” — A visitor

But the star of the show is our series of dazzling Christmas trees, decorated in different creative themes each year — Faberge, Dickens, Byzantine, and Krampus, to name just a few. Each takes weeks to construct, an effort meticulously carried out by our curators and staff, whose creativity is widely acknowledged.

Our Rhapsody in Silver and Snow tree, a spectacular confection swathed in snow and resting on a pool of ice, won second prize in the Holiday and Decorative Association’s 2014 international tree decorating competition.

“Took my granddaughter to see the trees today! She and I were in awe! She was amazed at the size and beauty, and I was taken back to my childhood! A very welcoming staff person happily took us around to the differently decorated rooms. It was a treat for both of us.” — A visitor

Admission to the Open House is free. Donations are encouraged to support our mission of preserving local history and bringing cultural events to the community.


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Contact Us

  • 451 Rock Street, Fall River, MA 02720
  • (508)-679-1071
  • cha@fallriverhistorical.org
  • Due to a major infrastructure project, the FRHS Museum will be closed beginning July 22, 2023. The Musem Shop is closed until further notice.