If you are unable to visit the library, the FRHS offers research services. For a fee, we will research and respond to your inquiry using all available FRHS resources and provide up to ten supporting photocopies when appropriate. The fee you pay is based on the time spent on the research, not the results. Please be advised that although we will endeavor to satisfy your request for information, not every search will produce results.
Before submitting your request, please read the “Guarantees and Limits" for the conditions of this service.
For in-person research, you must have an appointment before coming. Call us at 508-679-1071 ext. 108 to arrange a visit for your research.
Guarantees and Limits
The FRHS will provide a minimum of up to one hour of research time per request. Additional time will be spent searching when authorized by a patron and when additional fees are paid. Payment is due at the time the request is submitted. In the event that the FRHS does not locate relevant information, the patron remains liable for all costs accrued during the search process.
The standard turn-around time for the search service is four to six weeks. When a patron authorizes additional search time, the turn-around time may be extended.
The FRHS reserves the right to refuse to conduct a search.
As a result of a search in the FRHS’s photograph collection, a low resolution/watermarked review copy of an image may be sent to patrons for their inspection. These images may not be duplicated or used for any other than personal or research use, except by completion of a Photograph Use Agreement form and the payment of additional fees.
Request Procedures
All research requests must be submitted in writing. In a brief letter or on our Research Request Form for FRHS MEMBERS, or Research Request Form for FRHS NON MEMBERS, please provide a description of the specific information you are seeking, the time period, and any pertinent background information. It is important that you tell us exactly what you want to know; the more specific your request is, the better we may be able to help you.
Requests are answered in the order in which they are received. In order to process your request and/or conduct a preliminary search in order to ascertain what, if any, information is available in our files, a minimum of one hour of research time must be paid when your request is submitted.
We will endeavor to answer your request in as little time as possible. Many requests, however, require additional time. As such, following the preliminary search, one of our representatives will contact you and provide you with the estimated time and cost(s) required to complete your request.
Please make checks payable to the Fall River Historical Society. We also accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express.
Research Services Fees
FRHS Members | Non-members | |
First hour of research | $25 | $30 |
Each additional hour of research | $20 | $25 |
Rush service (processed within two weeks) | $40 | $50 |