Due to a major infrastructure project, the FRHS Museum is closed and will reopen in 2025.

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Andrew J. Jennings Collection,

aka “The Hip-Bath Collection”

of the Lizzie Borden Collection

Andrew Jackson Jennings Collection, aka “The Hip-Bath Collection"


The material in this collection was assembled by Andrew Jackson Jennings (1849-1923), a prominent Fall River, Massachusetts, attorney and a member of the defense team in the case of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts vs. Lizzie A. Borden. It is comprised of the most significant material associated with the Borden case known to exist, including physical and forensic evidence, original trial exhibits, and other related material.


In the 1940s, Andrew J. Jennings’ children sold their parents’ June Street residence, which had been vacant for some years. During the process of sorting through the contents of the house, a hip bath was discovered stored in the attic behind old awnings. Thinking the tub was filled with useless material, they were about to instruct a workman to dispose of it until deciding, on second thought, to examine its contents. Contained within was their father’s collection of material pertaining to the Borden case.

The items were retained by Jennings’ daughter, Mrs. Dwight Stowe Waring, née Marion Jennings (1887-1973), and kept at her Underwood Street residence in Fall River; on extremely rare occasions, they were reluctantly shown to researchers. A product of her generation, and in keeping with the manner adopted by her father, she steadfastly refused to discuss the Borden case. As the years progressed, she grew increasingly annoyed by individuals requesting to examine the material.


Entire collection sans HB006, HB007, HB008, and HB009: Andrew J. Jennings; to his wife, née Marion Gibbs Saunders (1854-1933); to their daughter, Mrs. Dwight S. Waring; to the FRHS in memory of her father, 1968, Accession Number: 1968.038.

Shortly after the so-called “Hip Bath Collection” was donated to the FRHS, it was discovered that several items that the Jennings family intended to retain – two scrap albums, a journal of defense team notes, and an accompanying volume of clippings with cross-references to the journal – were, in error, included in the gift. The items in question were immediately returned to Mrs. Waring, but have subsequently been donated to the FRHS by her descendants; thus the collection is intact.

HB006, HB007: Mrs. Dwight S. Waring; to her son, Edward Saunders Waring (1924-2011); to the FRHS, 2011, Accession Number: 2011.001.

HB008: Andrew J. Jennings; to his wife, née Marion G. Saunders; to their daughter, Mrs. Dwight S. Waring; and thus by descent to a great-granddaughter of Andrew J. Jennings; to the FRHS, 2002, Accession Number: 2002.005.

HB009: Andrew J. Jennings; to his wife, née Marion G. Saunders; to their daughter, Mrs. Dwight S. Waring; to her son, Andrew Jennings Waring (1918-2009); to the FRHS, 1993, Accession Number: 1993.050.


Forensic Evidence

HB001 – Envelope.

Holograph envelope; wove paper, 6” x 3 ”; imprinted with seal of the City of Fall River, Massachusetts, and return address for “City Marshal, Fall River, Mass.”; inscribed “c.” in upper right corner in lead, and “Hair taken from Hatchet” in ink on body of envelope in hand of Medical Examiner Dr. William Andrew Dolan (1858-1922).

Object Identification Number: 1968.038.001


HB001.1 – Fragmentary prescription form from mounted hair sample:

Wove paper, 3” x 3 ”; imprinted “J. C. Brady, Regis[tered], 1 Granite Block, corner Pocasset Street …”; inscribed in ink “Hair placed here 1.57 PM 8-7-92” in hand of Medical Examiner Dr. William Andrew Dolan (1858-1922); traces of mucilage, hair not present.

HB001.2 – Microscope slide with mounted hair sample:

Glass, 3” x 1”; single strand of hair, approximately 1” in length, mounted under glass cover slip, probably with Canada Balsam mounting medium (oxidized); paper label affixed to glass inscribed in ink “Borden Case Hair from Hatchet.” in hand of Dr. Edward Stickney Wood (1846-1905).

Note:The envelope marked “Hair taken from the hatchet” contained when I opened it two pieces of paper, this one, which was sealed and which contained a short hair, — it does not now, it is empty now, but that is the paper in which the hair was enclosed, contained a short hair one inch long, and containing both root and the point of the hair, and it had a red brown pigment, and is more similar to a cow’s hair than any other animal whose hair I have examined. It was sealed between those two glasses, and can readily be seen if the glass is placed upon a piece of paper. It is animal hair, no question of that, and probably cow’s hair. The envelope also contained a piece of paper which I examined very carefully without removing it from the envelope, and then I have examined with a lens every part of the inside of envelope without finding any hair. It is marked “Hair placed here 1.57 P.M. 8/7/92,” and it contains only a mucilage spot in the center; that is, I was unable to find any hair on it at all, and that hair (pointing to the cow hair) is the only hair I have had as coming from the hatchet.

Testimony of Dr. Edward Stickney Wood, Commonwealth of Massachusetts vs. Lizzie A. Borden, June 13, 1893, p.1002.

HB002 – Envelope.

Holograph envelope; wove paper, 6” x 3 ⅜”; imprinted with return address “W. A. Dolan, M.D., 200 So. Main Street.”; inscribed “b.” in upper right corner in lead, and “Hair of Mrs. A. J. Borden 8-7-92 12-10PM,” in ink across body of envelope in hand of Medical Examiner Dr. William Andrew Dolan (1858-1922); traces of red sealing wax on flap.

Object Identification Number: 1968.038.002


HB002.1 – Clipping of hair from the head of Abby Durfee (Gray) Borden.

Note: “The hair from Mrs. Borden was a lock of dark iron gray hair matted with blood ….

Testimony of Edward Stickney Wood, Commonwealth of Massachusetts vs. Lizzie A. Borden, June 13, 1893, p.1007.

HB003 – Envelope.

Holograph envelope; wove paper, 6” x 3 ⅜”; imprinted with return address “W.A. Dolan, M.D., 200 So. Main Street.”; inscribed “a.” in upper right corner in lead, and “Hair from A. J. Borden 8-7-92 12-14 P.M.” in ink across body of envelope in hand of Medical Examiner Dr. William Andrew Dolan (1858-1922); traces of red sealing wax on flap.

Object Identification Number: 1968.038.003


HB003.1 – Clipping of hair from the head of Andrew Jackson Borden.

Note: “That is the envelope with the hair of Andrew J. Borden; simply contained a lock of hair which was matted with blood partly, and the blood was of course, consistent with its being human blood ….

Testimony of Edward Stickney Wood, Commonwealth of Massachusetts vs. Lizzie A. Borden, June 13, 1893, p.1002.

HB004 – Microscope slide with mounted sample of stomach contents of Abby Durfee (Gray) Borden:

Glass, 3” x 1”; sample mounted under glass cover slip, probably with Canada Balsam mounting medium (oxidized); paper label affixed to glass inscribed in ink “Mrs Borden Stom Cont” in hand of Dr. Edward Stickney Wood (1846-1905).

Note: “… and there was also an undigested skin of a vegetable or of a fruit, one piece of which I have removed and have there. It looks like the red skin of an apple or pear. I have another preparation of that which shows the color more distinctly and which readily shows that it is a vegetable fibre. That is sealed between two pieces of glass, so that it may be seen more readily.”

Testimony of Edward Stickney Wood, Commonwealth of Massachusetts vs. Lizzie A. Borden, June 13, 1893, p.992.

Object Identification Number: 1968.038.004

HB005 – Specimen vial containing sample of stomach contents of Abby Durfee (Gray) Borden:

Glass, 2 ⅝“ x ½”, with cork stopper approximately in length; paper label affixed to vial inscribed in ink “Mrs. Borden” in hand of Dr. Edward Stickney Wood (1846-1905).

Contents: Two flakes of fruit peel.

Note: “… which readily shows that it is a vegetable fibre. That is a piece the same as in the bottle.

Testimony of Edward Stickney Wood, Commonwealth of Massachusetts vs. Lizzie A. Borden, June 13, 1893, p.992.

Object Identification Number: 1968.038.005


HB006 – Journal of defense team notes.

Red leather covered notebook with alphabetical index, unidentified manufacturer; 6 ¾” x 8”; late-19th century; 96 ruled pages, loose enclosures.

Object Identification Number: 2011.001.001

HB007 – Notebook of clippings to accompany journal of defense team notes.

Red leather covered notebook, unidentified manufacturer; 6 ½” x 8”; late-19th century; 49 ruled pages.

Object Identification Number: 2011.001.002

HB008 – Scrap Album: Compiled by Andrew J. Jennings.

Robin’s egg blue fabric covered boards with embossed floral design and “Scrap Album” tooled in gilt and black; unidentified manufacturer; 14 ¼” x 17”; late-19th century; 36 unnumbered pages.

Contents: Adhered and loose newspaper clippings, The Boston Herald, Fall River Daily Globe, The New York World, and unidentified; mostly coverage of Commonwealth of Massachusetts vs. Lizzie A. Borden, June 1893, with an additional December 19, 1893, clipping.

Object Identification Number: 2002.005.001

HB009 – Scrap Album: Compiled by Andrew J. Jennings, with later additions probably by his daughter, Mrs. Dwight S. Waring.

Brown fabric covered boards with embossed floral design and “Scrap Album” tooled in gilt and black; unidentified manufacturer; 14 ¼” x 17”; 34 unnumbered pages.

Contents: Adhered and loose newspaper and periodical clippings: Boston Daily Globe, Boston Journal, Fall River Herald News, New York Herald Tribune, New York Sun, Rome [New York] Daily Sentinel, Scientific American, and others; coverage of Commonwealth of Massachusetts vs. Lizzie A. Borden and post-trial material, with later Lizzie Borden-related and “Hip Bath Collection” clippings, and two letters.

Object Identification Number: 1993.050.001

Letter #1: Facsimile of a letter, Mrs. Joseph Wilmarth Carpenter, Jr. née Annie B. Barney (b. circa 1855) to her husband, June 22, 1893; a period copy.

Wove paper with watermark of Wyckoff, Seamans & Benedict, New York, New York; 8” x 10”; one sheet typewritten on one side; with facsimile holograph envelope in unidentified hand.

Subject: Pleading letter from a distraught wife anxious for word from her husband and informing same of Lizzie A. Borden’s acquittal.

Note: This letter is detailed in several clippings adhered in the scrap album.

Letter #2: Holograph letter, unsigned, unidentified author, June 6, 1894; undoubtedly received by Andrew J. Jennings.

Wove paper, ruled; 5 ¾” x 6”; imprinted “Narragansett Hotel, L. H. Humphrey’s, Lessee, Providence, R.I.”; one sheet inscribed in ink on one side.

Subject: Suggestion that a $10,000 reward offered by city of Fall River would lead to conviction of person or persons who murdered Andrew J. Borden.


HB010 – Photograph: Guest bedroom of the Andrew J. Borden residence.

Arthur Sherman Phillips (1865-1941), Fall River, Massachusetts, 1892; albumen print, 3 ¾” x 4 ¾” on a 4 ¼” x 5 ¼” trimmed mount.

Object Identification Number: 1968.038.006

HB011 – Photograph: Guest bedroom of the Andrew J. Borden residence, a view showing area between bed and bureau with section of carpet removed.

Arthur Sherman Phillips (1865-1941), Fall River, Massachusetts, 1892; albumen print, 3 ¾” x 4 ⅝” on a 4 ¼” x 5 ¼” trimmed mount.

Object Identification Number: 1968.038.007

HB012 – Photograph: Trial Exhibit Number 15. Crime scene showing body of Abby Durfee (Gray) Borden on floor between bed and bureau.

James A. Walsh (b.1863), Fall River, Massachusetts, August 4, 1892; albumen print, 9 ½” x 7 ⅝” on a 10” x 12” mount; inscribed “Ex 15” in lead below image on mount in unidentified hand.

Object Identification Number: 1968.038.008

HB013 – Photograph: Trial Exhibit Number 16. Crime scene showing body of Abby Durfee (Gray) Borden, side view after the bed was dismantled.

James A. Walsh (b.1863), Fall River, Massachusetts, August 4, 1892; albumen print, 9 ½” x 7 ⅝” on a 10” x 12” mount; inscribed “Ex 16 for identification” in lead below image on mount in unidentified hand.

Object Identification Number: 1968.038.009

HB014 – Photograph: Trial Exhibit Number 17. Crime scene showing body of Andrew Jackson Borden on sofa.

James A. Walsh (b.1863), Fall River, Massachusetts, August 4, 1892; albumen print, 9 ½” x 7 ¾” on a 10” x 12” mount; inscribed “Ex 17” in lead below image on mount in unidentified hand.

Object Identification Number: 1968.038.010

HB015 – Photograph: Trial Exhibit Number 18. Autopsy, Abby Durfee (Gray) Borden.

James A. Walsh (b.1863), Fall River, Massachusetts, August 4, 1892; albumen print, 9 ½” x 7 ¾” on a 11 7/16” x 9 ½” trimmed mount.

Object Identification Number: 1968.038.011

HB016 – Photograph: Trial Exhibit Number 19. Autopsy, Andrew Jackson Borden.

James A. Walsh (b.1863), Fall River, Massachusetts, August 4, 1892; albumen print, 9 ½” x 7 ½” on a 14 ⅜” x 10” mount.

Object Identification Number: 1968.038.012

HB017 – Photograph: Trial Exhibit Number 27. “Back yard – looking between barn and house.

Arthur Sherman Phillips (1865-1941), Fall River, Massachusetts, 1892; albumen print, 4 ¾” x 3 ¾” on a 6 ½”x 4 ⅜” cabinet card; inscribed “Ex 27” in lead to right of image on mount in unidentified hand.

Object Identification Number: 1968.038.013

HB018 – Photograph: Trial Exhibit Number 28. “Borden house – rear view – looking West.

Arthur Sherman Phillips (1865-1941), Fall River, Massachusetts, 1892; albumen print, 3 11/16” x 4 ¾” on a 4 ⅜” x 6 ½” cabinet card; inscribed “Ex 28” in lead below image on mount in unidentified hand.

Object Identification Number: 1968.038.014

HB019 – Photograph: Trial Exhibit Number 29. “North side of Borden house showing steps – Looking towards street.

Arthur Sherman Phillips (1865-1941), Fall River, Massachusetts, 1892; albumen print, 4 ¾” x 3 ¾” on a 6 ½” x 4 ” cabinet card; inscribed “Ex 29” in lead in to right of image on mount in unidentified hand.

Object Identification Number: 1968.038.015

HB020 – Photograph: Trial Exhibit Number 30. “Sitting room showing North wall.”

Arthur Sherman Phillips (1865-1941), Fall River, Massachusetts, 1892; albumen print, 4 ¾” x 3 ¾” on a 6 ½” x 4 ⅜” cabinet card; inscribed “Ex 30” in lead to right of image on mount in unidentified hand.

Object Identification Number: 1968.038.016

HB021 – Photograph: Trial Exhibit Number 31. “Dr. Chagnon’s back yard and Borden barn.”

Arthur Sherman Phillips (1865-1941), Fall River, Massachusetts, 1892; albumen print, 4 ¾” x 3 ¾” on a 6 ½” x 4 ⅜” cabinet card; inscribed “Ex 31” in lead to right of image on mount in unidentified hand.

Object Identification Number: 1968.038.017

HB022 – Photograph: Trial Exhibit Number 33. “Second Street looking south.

Arthur Sherman Phillips (1865-1941), Fall River, Massachusetts, 1892; albumen print, 4 ¾” x 3 ¾” on a 6 ½” x 4 ⅜” cabinet card; inscribed “Ex 33” in lead to right of image on mount in unidentified hand.

Object Identification Number: 1968.038.018

HB023 – Photograph: Trial Exhibit Number 35. “Second Street looking north.”

Arthur Sherman Phillips (1865-1941), Fall River, Massachusetts, 1892; albumen print, 4 ¾” x 3 ¾” on a 6 ½” x 4 ⅜” cabinet card; inscribed “Ex 35” in lead to right of image on mount in unidentified hand.

Object Identification Number: 1968.038.019

HB024 – Photograph: Trial Exhibit Number 37. “South side of Borden house & yard looking towards Second St.

Arthur Sherman Phillips (1865-1941), Fall River, Massachusetts, 1892; albumen print, 4 ¾” x 3 ¾” on a 6 ½” x 4 ⅜” cabinet card; inscribed “Ex 37” in lead to right of image on mount in unidentified hand.

Object Identification Number: 1968.038.020

HB025 – Photograph: Trial Exhibit Number 38. “Front entry from sitting room door.”

Arthur Sherman Phillips (1865-1941), Fall River, Massachusetts, 1892; albumen print, 4 ¾” x 3 ¾” on a 6 ½” x 4 ⅜” cabinet card; inscribed “Ex 38” in lead to right of image on mount in unidentified hand.

Object Identification Number: 1968.038.021

HB026 – Photograph: Trial Exhibit Number 40. “Mrs. Churchill’s front steps.”

Arthur Sherman Phillips (1865-1941), Fall River, Massachusetts, 1892; albumen print, 4 ¾” x 3 ¾” on a 6 ½” x 4 ⅜” cabinet card; inscribed “Ex 40” in lead to right of image on mount in unidentified hand.

Object Identification Number: 1968.038.022

HB027 – Photograph: Trial Exhibit Number 41. “The old well – Mrs. Churchill’s house & Borden barn.”

Arthur Sherman Phillips (1865-1941), Fall River, Massachusetts, 1892; albumen print, 4 ¾” x 3 ¾” on a 6 ½” x 4 ⅜” cabinet card; inscribed “Ex 41” in lead to right of image on mount in unidentified hand.

Object Identification Number: 1968.038.023

HB028 – Photograph: Trial Exhibit Number 43. “Borden house & S. yard.

Arthur Sherman Phillips (1865-1941), Fall River, Massachusetts, 1892; albumen print, 4 ¾” x 3 ¾” on a 6 ½” x 4 ⅜” cabinet card; inscribed “Ex 43” in lead to right of image on mount in unidentified hand.

Object Identification Number: 1968.038.024

HB029 – Photograph: Skull of Andrew Jackson Borden.

Unidentified photographer, 1892-1893; albumen print, 12 ½” x 14 ⅝” on a 13 ” x 16 ¼” mount.

Object Identification Number: 1968.038.025

HB030 – Photograph: Skull of Abby Durfee (Gray) Borden.

Unidentified photographer, 1892-1893; albumen print, 12 ½” x 14 ⅝” on a 13 ⅞” x 16 ¼” mount.

Object Identification Number: 1968.038.026

Trial Exhibits and Evidence

HB031 – Bedspread in the Marseilles style from guest bedroom of the Andrew J. Borden residence.

Cotton, unidentified manufacturer, late-19th century; 86” x 96”; woven in an elaborate pattern featuring a decorative urn framed by curvilinear foliate scrolls at each corner, framing a center panel with a lattice and floral geometric device surrounded by floral sprays, the whole bordered with latticed tasseled swags; elaborate 4” quadruple-tied cotton fringe applied on three sides; inscribed on face in lead on upper left corner, “Head,” in hand of Hosea M. Knowlton.

Object Identification Number: 1968.038.027

HB032 – Envelope.

Holograph envelope, signed; wove paper, 9” x 4”; inscribed in lead “Tags on Jars Borden Case,” and, in ink, “July 18/92 put in here by A.J.J. as found in trunk sent from Marshal office by Central Station” in hand of Andrew J. Jennings.

Object Identification Number: 1968.038.028


HB032.1 – Shipping Tag: Formerly affixed to Trial Exhibit Number 22.

Dennison Manufacturing Company, Roxbury, Massachusetts; paper with applied reinforced paper washer, 4 5/16” x 2 ”; fragmentary hemp twine fastener; traces of red sealing wax; circa late-19th century; inscribed in ink “Stomach of Andrew J. Borden” in hand of Medical Examiner Dr. William Andrew Dolan (1858-1922).

HB032.2 – Shipping Tag: Formerly affixed to Trial Exhibit Number 23.

Dennison Manufacturing Company, Roxbury, Massachusetts; paper with applied reinforced paper washer, 4 5/16” x 2 ⅛”; fragmentary hemp twine fastener; traces of red sealing wax; circa late-19th century; inscribed in ink “Stomach of Mrs. Andrew J. Borden.” in hand of Medical Examiner Dr. William Andrew Dolan (1858-1922).

HB032.3 – Shipping Tag: Formerly affixed to Trial Exhibit Number 20.

Dennison Manufacturing Company, Roxbury, Massachusetts; paper with applied reinforced paper washer, 4 5/16” x 2 ⅛”; fragmentary hemp twine fastener; traces of red sealing wax; circa late-19th century; inscribed in ink “Milk of Aug. 3, 1892” in hand of Medical Examiner Dr. William Andrew Dolan (1858-1922).

HB032.4 – Shipping Tag: Formerly affixed to Trial Exhibit Number 21.

Dennison Manufacturing Company, Roxbury, Massachusetts paper with applied reinforced paper washer, 4 5/16” x 2 ⅛”; fragmentary hemp twine fastener; traces of red sealing wax; circa late-19th century inscribed in ink “Milk of August 4, 1892” in hand of Medical Examiner Dr. William Andrew Dolan (1858-1922).

HB033 – Hair switch worn by Abby Durfee (Gray) Borden:

Human hair bound with thread; approximately 13” long; four steel hair pins; netting; late-19th century.

Object Identification Number: 1968.038.029

HB034 – Handkerchief, used by Abby Durfee (Gray) Borden as a dust cloth:

Silk; printed paisley pattern; approximately 19 ½” x 28”; late-19th century.

Note: Attorney William Henry Moody (1853-1917) questioning the Borden maid, Bridget Sullivan (c.1867-1948).

Q. Have you seen such a handkerchief as that before? (Showing dark, old handkerchief.)
A. Yes, Sir.
Q. What was it commonly used for and by whom?
A. Mrs. Borden used to use handkerchiefs the same as dusters is.
Q. Did she use it as a pocket handkerchief?
A. Mr. Borden used them as pocket handkerchiefs, and Mrs. Borden, when they got worn out, took them as dust rags.

Testimony of Bridget Sullivan, Commonwealth of Massachusetts vs. Lizzie A. Borden, June 14, 1893, p.1237.

Object Identification Number: 1968.038.030

HB035 – Hatchet: Shingling Hatchet with claw.

Underhill Edge Tool Company, Nashua, New Hampshire, and Boston, Massachusetts; steel; 5 ⅝” x 3 ”; with fragmentary wood helve, probably American hickory, approximately 1 ½” x 1 ⅜”; circa late-19th century.

HB035.1 – Paper wrapper for hatchet:

Wove Kraft paper approximately 16 ½” x 12 ¾”; circa 20th century; inscribed in ink “Quote: Handless Hatchet taken from trunk & placed here. July 18/93 by A.J.J.” in unidentified hand.

Note: The hatchet was wrapped in this paper and inscribed as a facsimile of the original as found in the hip-bath.

Object Identification Number: 1968.038.031

HB036 – Pillow sham from guest bedroom of Andrew J. Borden residence:

Cotton lawn with crimped self-ruffle, 36” x 32”, trimmed with ½” handmade bobbin lace; one sham inscribed in lead in upper left corner “Top”; at top center “A”; at bottom center “B” in hand of Prosecuting Attorney Hosea Morrill Knowlton (1847-1902).

Object Identification Number: 1968.038.032

HB037 – Pillow sham from guest bedroom of Andrew J. Borden residence:

Cotton lawn with crimped self-ruffle, 36” x 32”, trimmed with ½” handmade bobbin lace; one sham inscribed in lead in upper left corner “Top”; at top center “A”; at bottom center “B” in hand of Prosecuting Attorney Hosea Morrill Knowlton (1847-1902).

Object Identification Number: 1968.038.033

HB038 – Plan of Borden residence: Trial Exhibit Number 6. “First Floor Plan” of the Andrew J. Borden residence.

Thomas Kieran, Civil Engineer, Fall River, Massachusetts, 1892; cyanotype, 17 ” x 9 ½” on an 18 ⅝” x 10 ½” mount; inscribed “No 6.” in lead on bottom front of mount in unidentified hand.

Object Identification Number: 1968.038.034

HB039 – Plan of Borden residence: Trial Exhibit Number 7. “Second Floor Plan” of the Andrew J. Borden residence.

Thomas Kieran, Civil Engineer, Fall River, Massachusetts, 1892; cyanotype, 9 ⅝” x 17 ½”, on a 10 ¼” x 17 ½” mount; inscribed “No.7” in lead on bottom front of mount in unidentified hand.

Object Identification Number: 1968.038.035

HB040 – Plan of Borden residence: Trial Exhibit Number 9. “Cellar Floor Plan” of the Andrew J. Borden residence.

Thomas Kieran, Civil Engineer, Fall River, Massachusetts,1892; cyanotype, 9 ¼” x 17 ” on a 9 ¼” x 17 ⅛” trimmed mount; inscribed “Ex. 9” on reverse in lead in unidentified hand.

Object Identification Number: 1968.038.036

HB041 – Wood fragment:

Unidentified species; areas of discolored clear varnish; approximately 1” x ½” x ¼”.

Object Identification Number: 1968.038.037

HB006 and HB007 are closed to researchers pending conservation by the FRHS.


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  • Due to a major infrastructure project, the FRHS Museum will be closed beginning July 22, 2023. The Musem Shop is closed until further notice.