Do you enjoy working with the public? Are you good at gardening, leading tours, or children’s activities? If so, or if you have other skills or expertise, you may be interested in joining the many people who enjoy volunteering at Fall River Historical Society. These individuals include people of all ages, from students to retirees, and from many walks of life.
Our valued volunteers play an essential role at the FRHS, and we would not be able to operate or achieve our goals without their time and talent. Volunteers may act as docents, staff the Museum Shop & Boutique, or assist with research in the archive. Volunteers also spent many additional hours working on special events and in Easton Tea Room. Our Board of Directors and committees are also made up of volunteers, and their efforts add up to another several thousand hours annually.
Volunteers are currently needed in the following areas:
If you are an FRHS member and would like to learn more about volunteering, please call Caroline Aubin at 508-679-1071, ext. 108 for the Museum, Claudette Aubin for the Museum Shop at ext. 105, or complete the form below. We will contact you when we have an opportunity to volunteer that fits with your skills and interests.