ABDALLAH, Constance Joan (Waskiewicz) and Abdallah, Alphonse Kalil, by Constance C. Mendes, Swansea, MA, May 27, 2015.
ABDOW, Olivia Raposo (Terceira), by John J. Conforti, Catholic Memorial Home, December 10, 2014.
ALMEIDA, Delores (Silvia), by Joyce B. Rodrigues, Somerset Ridge Center, June 10, 2015.
AMARAL, Hortensia “Ester” Pacheco Ribeiro, by Joyce B. Rodrigues, Fall River Historical Society, November 12, 2014.
CORREIRA, Mary Vincent (Arruda), by Joyce B. Rodrigues, Westport, MA, October 17, 2015.
DESCHENES, Marie Lillian, by Joyce B. Rodrigues, Fall River, MA, August 22 and 29, 2015.
HARNETT, Marita Frances (Vokes), by John J. Conforti, Catholic Memorial Home, December 3, 2014.
ROCHEFORT, Marie Eva (Gagnon), by Ann Rockett-Sperling, Fall River, MA, July 29, 2015.
SOITOS, Ledora (Isidorio), by Ann Rockett-Sperling, Taunton, MA, June 3, 2015.
SOUCY, Michalina “Ruth” (Stasiowski), by William A. Moniz, Somerset Ridge Center, June 19, 2015.
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Oral history guidelines:
Interviewing Guidelines, UCLA’s Oral History Program, at:
Mercier, Laurie and Madeline Buckendorf, Using Oral History in Community History Projects, Oral History Association Pamphlet Series #4, 2010, at:
Principles for Oral History and Best Practices for Oral History, Oral History Association, 2009, at:
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Oral History Projects, Archives and Special Collections, Claire T. Carney Library, UMASS Dartmouth, at:
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Brand, Donald Robert. Corporatism and the Rule of Law: A Study of the National Recovery Administration. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1988.
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Moniz, Evelyn. My Story: A Memoir. Boston: ILGWU-UNITE, 2011, available here.
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Opus 70. Fall River: Bishop Connolly High School, 1970.
Parish, W. H. Artwork of Fall River, Massachusetts. New York: The W.H. Parish Publishing Company, 1897.
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Phillips, Arthur Sherman The Phillips History of Fall River, Fascicle II. Fall River: Dover Press, 1945.
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Pickin, Mary Brooks. The Fashion Dictionary. New York: Funk & Wagnall’s, 1959.
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Salmond, John A. The General Textile Strike of 1934: From Maine to Alabama. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 2002.
Silvia, Philip T. (Ed.). Victorian Vistas: Fall River, 1865-1885, as viewed through its newspaper accounts. Fall River: R.E. Smith Printing Co., 1987.
Silvia, Philip T. (Ed.). Victorian Vistas: Fall River, 1886-1900, as viewed through its newspaper accounts. Fall River: R.E. Smith Printing Co., 1988.
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Stiles, Lela. The Man Behind Roosevelt. New York: The World Publishing Company, 1954.
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City Directories:
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Fall River Church Files (various): The Charlton Library of Fall River History, Fall River Historical Society.
Fall River School Files (various): The Charlton Library of Fall River History, Fall River Historical Society.
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Fall River Daily Globe, microfilm collection, Charlton Library of Fall River History, Fall River Historical Society
Florence Morning News, Florence, South Carolina
The New York Times
Photographs & Images:
Private family collections.
Fall River photographs (various): Collection of the Fall River Historical Society, The Charlton Library of Fall River History.
Fall River postcards (various): Collection of the Fall River Historical Society, The Charlton Library of Fall River History.
International Ladies Garment Workers Union (I.L.G.W.U.):
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Textile Workers Union of America (C.I.O.):
Agreement By and Between Fall River Textile Manufacturers Association and Textile Workers Union of America (C.I.O.), Fall River: Fall River Textile Manufacturers Association, 1943. Collection of the Fall River Historical Society, The Charlton Library of Fall River History.
Fall River … A Brighter To-Morrow, Fall River: Fall River Educational Department of Textile Workers Union of America, C.I.O., circa 1945. Collection of the Fall River Historical Society, The Charlton Library of Fall River History.